The Ministry


All About Jeoffrey

All About Leslie

Their Lord

Their Friendship

Their Families


The Engagement

The Wedding Party

The Ceremony

The Reception

The Gift Registry

The Honeymoon


The Ministry





In order to fulfill the calling on his life, Jeoffrey realizes that God has called him to be a teacher and minister of the Word, and a minstrel to write and compose songs and music inspiring, strengthening and healing the body of Christ. It is his passion and purpose to let the world know that "to live is Christ and to die is gain" and to motivate, convict, and direct sinners who don't know Him yet, into a full and eternal relationship with Christ.

God has blessed Leslie with the gifts of exortation and administration. Her perspective is, 'if God has taken me through it, He has done it that He might be glorified and also to bless someone else's life'. The Lord exorts us to comfort others with the comfort He gives us when we go through life's battles. "Each victory will help us, some other to win!" She never wants to withhold her testimony from others because she knows that God is the same yesterday, today and forever; and if He's done a work in her life, He can do the same thing for someone else. God has also made Leslie an administrator -- People don't plan to fail. They just fail to plan. She purposes to strive for excellence in all that she does.

As a unit, it is the future Thompson's desire to allow God to use their lives and their marriage as a testimony of His goodness and His faithfulness. They realize that God's faithfulness is not shown by our works, but through His works in us. His will can only be done when a strength exchange occurs - "His strength is made perfect in our weakness". He is teaching them this lesson, through their trials and mistakes, as well as their obedience to His will.

Jeoffrey and Leslie are committed to joining the body of Christ in it's mission to share God's love with the world!

Marriage Ariticles Written
Do I Know You?
Make a U Turn